EZPZ Pest Control – Niagara Falls
OMG Pest Control Services – Toronto
Dusana Bondy, SPMAO President
As we are getting into summer and our warm months, the association wanted to remind anyone doing nuisance wildlife control and live trapping to always take into consideration the need for protecting the health and safety of the animals being trapped.
Roofs and other areas get hot and there should be shelter, food and water provided or alternatively consider not setting live traps in extreme heat.
Always be mindful that cruelty to animals can be a criminal offence.
As pest management companies in Ontario is it important that we convey a professional appearance to the public by adhering to the regulations that govern us as an industry.
Here are some links that can be used for nuisance wildlife reference and education.
Wildlife management | Ontario.ca
Great resource for courses on wildlife management:
Don’t forget about yourself – Stay Healthy in the Heat