July 2021


 The Mosquito Guard – Amhertsburg




Dusana Bondy, SPMAO President

The busy season is upon us and it is important to ensure we remain label compliant to satisfy Provincial and Federal regulations.  An easy way to do this during the whirlwind of summer is to always refer to the label prior to any pesticide application.

The PMRA label app makes this easy and is a great tool to utilize out in the field and ensures you are using the correct label.

Here are a few quick and easy tips to stay compliant:

  • Make sure the pest you are treating for is on the label
  • Make sure the location you are treating is on the label
  • Record the method of application based on label directions. If the application calls for crack and crevice, then ensure that is what is documented on your service reports!
  • Always wear the label directed PPE at a minimum

Enjoy the summer, keep busy and stay safe!



Don’t forget about yourself – Stay Healthy in the Heat



Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario
1370 Don Mills Road, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario M3B 3N7
